Sunday, November 11, 2012

Le Mi-Carême

Le Mi-Carême (named after l'Isle-aux-Grues's traditional Acadian Mid-Lent celebrations) is made by Fromagerie de l'Île-aux-Grues. The island is situated in the St. Lawrence a bit downstream from la ville du Québec. Le Mi-Carême is a cow-milk cheese in the brie family. It is a very sophisticated cheese, full of strong mushroomy and nutty flavours. The Fromagerie de l'Îles-aux-Grues is a cooperative formed by 14 milk producers of the island in 1977. At first producing only cheddar, the fromagerie began producing le Mi-Carême at the end of the '90s. As one who loves the stronger cheeses, I quite enjoyed this cheese on its own after supper. My attempt to make a mushroom alfredo sauce with le Mi-Carême was moderately successful; next time I will tweak my recipe a bit to bring out the rich flavours of the cheese out more. It sells for about $5.80 per 100 grams.


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