Saturday, September 29, 2012


This week's fromage is Pied-de-Vent, from the Îles-de-la-Madeleine. It's a "soft, surface-ripened cheese made from the raw milk of a single dairy herd." Sound delightfully and desolately rural? That's because it is! The islands are quite isolated out in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.  It has a faintly esrom-ish flavour though in texture is closer to a brie, although less moist. I made a mushroom risotto with Pied-de-Vent in place of parmesan, and while it melted very nicely and added extra creaminess, I had to add far more salt than I normally would because it simply didn't have the kick that parmesan does. This cheese costs around $5.45 per 100 grams.


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